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Health And Safety Away From Home

Safe Travel: Health And Safety Away From Home
We All Know Health and Safety laws apply to all businesses, no matter how small. As an employer, or a self-employed person, you are responsible for health and safety in your business. You need to take the right precautions to reduce the risks of workplace dangers and provide a safe working environment.

In this article we will be talking about safe travel in refers to health and safety away from home.
We will be listing out eight (8) thing you should have in mind for a Safe Travel

1. Know Your Hotel:There are, on average, 8,000 hotels fires in the U.S. each year, in which dozens of people die, most of them from inhaling smoke and toxic fumes, not from burns. It's wise to know the location of your floor's fire alarm, and at least two posible escape routes from the florr. Count the number of doors between your romm and the nearest exit. In the event of a fire, this will allow you to feel your way there through darkness or smoke.

2. Ease Jet Lag: Jet Lag is caused by a disruption of sleep/wake patterns. Flying westward lengthens your day, and flying eastward shortens it. Because it compresses the day/night cycle, the eastward flight is more likely to produce jet lag. One preventive technique is to start shifting your sleep/wake cycle to the new time in advance. If traveling east to west, go to bed-and get up-an hour later each day for three dyas before departure. For a west-to-east trip, move your sleep time an hour earlier each day. If traveling great distances, schedule a stopover if you can. Once you arrive, sunlight may help reset your biological clock. Spend some time outdoors during the first few days. And despite tiredness or wakefulness, try to go to sleep and get up at usual hours.

3. Steer Clear Of Ice In Countries Where The Water Is Unsafe: Treat ice cubes in developing countries with just as much caution as you would the drinking water. When contaminated ice caubes are allowed to melt in beverages-alcohic or otherwise-enough bacteria can survice to cause traveler's diarrhea. If you're making your own cubes and safe water is unavailable, boil tap water for two to three minutes.

4. Fly Comfortably: The cabin air of an airplane is thinner and dryer than normal air, so it's best avoid alcohol, which dehydrates you. Drink lots of non-alcoholic liquids, even if you're not thirsty. And get up to stretch and walk around once an hour, since sitting for long periods can hamper digestion, circulation, and flexibility, and can also cause your feet to swell.

5. Buy A Car With An Airbag: If all americans used lap-and-shoulder and all cars were equipped with airbags, an estimated 9,00 lives would be saved annually, and 150,000 serious injures prevented. If you're shopping for a car, let the car dealer know you're interested in an airbag. Even though airbags don't come with every car, you can expert your influence for change. Even if your car has an airbag, remember to wear your safety belt, too.

6. Maintain Healthy Eating Habits When You Travel: One survey showed that frequest business travelers tend to eat a diet higher in fat (45 to 48 percent of thier total calories coming from fat) than other groups. And no wonder: travelers often have few options (on planes, for example, or at fast-food outlets) or may find gourmet restaurant fare irresistible. But there are ways to control your eating habits away from home. For example, airlines are required to offer special meals, provided passengers place their orders 24 hours in advance. You can often get low-calorie, low-cholesterol, low-sedium, vegetarian, disbetic, or kosher meals-just ask what's available. Or if you prefer, pack your own low-fat meal. In restaurants, good starters include a broth-based soup, steamed seafood, fresh melon, or a green salad (have the dressing served on the side). Choose foods that are poached, steamed, broiled, or roasted, and ask that butter or oil be used sparingly (or not at all) in the cooking. Ask to have the skin removed from poultry before cooking, or remove it yourself when the dish arrives. Sauces such as hollandaise, mayonnaise, tartar sauce, and remoulade are all high in fat. Brown sauces, such as bordelaise or bourguignonne, are stock-based and may be lower in fat if they have been skimmed and no butter has been added. meatless tomato sauces are likely to be relatively low in fat.

7. Wear Your Seat Belt: Seat belts saved nearly 11,000 lives in the U.S. between 1983 and 1987, according to federal officials. By wearing a lap-and-shoulder belt, you reduce your risk of dying in an automobile accident by 40 to 50 percent.

8. Choose A Car With Antilock Brakes: Antilock brakes may one day contribute substantially to highway safety. Activated by a sensor attached to each car wheel, these brakes detect potential skids and react according, pulsing the brake power and bringing the vehicle to a faster, safer stop than conventional brakes. Antilock brakes are now standard equipment on some cars and optional on some others.
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